
Should I Still Get Braces Even If I’m A Senior?

Written by Eric · 2 min read >
Senior Orthodontics

Moving teeth is safe at any age if no active gum disease is present. But, many people overlook senior orthodontics as a viable option for seniors because they believe it’s something for the younger generation! As a result, a sizable portion of the older population is underserved and endures needless suffering! Perhaps you belong to that group. Perhaps you’ve secretly wished you could fix your TMJ, crowding, spacing, or bite issues!

Orthodontic Options

During your time, braces probably weren’t as developed as today. People only had one choice on how to have their teeth straightened. It was also more painful back then! Many also experienced a recurrence of the problems they had before getting braces. Perhaps you experienced this. An orthodontist in Bethesda can help you with this if you choose to get your teeth aligned. Kumra Orthodontics offers orthodontic treatment for seniors with various options, such as Invisalign treatment.

Oral Health

Orthodontics involves much more than appearance; it also involves proper operation and upkeeping.

Chewing Efficiency

Your chewing efficiency can be significantly reduced when the teeth don’t fit together properly, especially when involving an open bite or excessive overjet (protrusion). Just ask anyone who is on a diet how frustrating it can be not to be able to eat what they want!

Better Oral Hygiene

It is simply more difficult to keep crooked teeth clean. They’ll likely deteriorate and become lost if you can’t clean them, necessitating expensive repairs or replacements.

Avoid Tooth Wear

As you age, your bite tends to become deeper, and a deeper bite can speed up tooth wear. Enamel that has been worn away won’t regrow. Then veneers or crowns may be required to restore the length of the teeth.

Less Oral Problems In The Future

Being proactive with your orthodontic treatment can prevent later, more serious problems.  For instance, a crossbite can deteriorate and become uncomfortable. You might start to bite your cheeks frequently. Each time you bite, it might feel like you’re hammering a nail at an angle. You risk your oral health– eventually pushing your teeth out of the bone and gums if you don’t get treatment.

Longer Life

The average life expectancy in the US is 79 years old, which means you can anticipate living for nearly three decades after turning 50. That is a long time to carry a smile or a bite that makes you unhappy. When you consider how many decades you may still have left, spending, on average, a year or two on orthodontic care doesn’t seem impractical.

New Beginnings

Retirement no longer appears as it once did. Seniors in today’s society don’t typically rock peacefully at home. You could launch new businesses, participate in charitable endeavors, and take up novel sports, pastimes, and adventures. Additionally, you may lead busier social and dating lives than the typical teen!


When the majority of today’s seniors were growing up, orthodontics wasn’t as common, and some families couldn’t simply afford it. However, when a lot of these people started their own families, they valued the value of investing in their children’s orthodontic care and did so.

Braces For Seniors

You might think that braces for seniors will only be a waste of money. But it’s not– Americans have longer life expectancies now. So, you still have decades ahead of you! New beginnings await you– and you’d want better oral health to get into lesser health problems in the future, right?

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