
Who is Jemeker Thompson? Jemeker Thompson net worth

Written by Eric · 1 min read >
Jemeker Thompson

Jemeker Thompson’s net income is high and most people say he is a drug dealer and he earns. She is known as a drug dealer and believed that she was her source of income. She is not mentioned as a writer. The second source of her earnings is writing. Read more about sip of stamina.


Jemeker Thompson was born on January 1, 1966. She has five siblings to care for her father who died earlier. He is facing a difficult period in his life. The wrong moment begins when the apartment snatches them. They threw away their property and had to live in that house in South Los Angeles. This time he was steadfast. He was 8 years old. It was a time when they had no other shelter. It was a sudden fall for their parents. Then start working to deal with this type of situation. He needs an easy way to earn, so he starts working as a drug dealer. She starts working because she has to survive her brothers. When she was in high school, her boyfriend was the person who helped her become the assistant to the drug dealer’s manager. Jemeker Thompson husband name is Champ Hairston.

Drugs supplying:

When he was in high school, he became deeper, and now he started introducing drugs to other teenagers. Jemeker Thompson’s height is 5.6 ′ at this moment. She receives more customers. Her business began to grow in 1980. From now on, she became an adult and made more profit. Then she owns a house in Encino, California. After the death of her father, they face a period of unrest, now she is the son of their house and has a stable financial position after the death of her father. The situation became terrible again when her husband was killed by anti-drug agencies. They warn Thompson, but this loss is not enough for her to stop. However, she is involved in many drugs around the world, now she has become a single mother. He changed, devoted himself to Christianity, and began to practice religion. She starts writing as a profession. Read more about who got his big break by becoming the first grand champion in the comedy category on “star search”?

Jemeker Thompson Net worth:

Let’s say we estimate its Jemeker net worth. That’s about $ 10 million. It is estimated that her net worth is earned by the drug trade, but she earned it with her fantastic writing skills, but it was her fortune that she made from the drug trade.
So, the journey started as a drug dealer, and now she has become a famous crime writer. In the documentary, she stated that “I knew then that I needed money and that I wanted to control everything.”
At the same time, it is argued that she was in need and took up the drug trade. Then she was influenced by religious values ​​and changed her life.

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