
Quail Breeding Made Easy: Get Coturnix Quail Eggs for Hatching

Written by Eric · 2 min read >
Quail Eggs for Hatching

Are you interested in quail breeding but don’t know where to start? Quail farming is an enjoyable and profitable hobby, and Coturnix quail are popular for beginners. They are easy to care for, reproduce quickly, and provide delicious eggs and meat. To start your quail farming journey, consider getting Coturnix quail eggs for hatching. This blog will provide tips and tricks to help you successfully hatch and raise healthy Coturnix quails.

Getting Started with Eggs Hatching

Preparing for Hatching

Before you start hatching Coturnix quail eggs, you must ensure you have the right equipment and setup. You will need a reliable incubator, a hygrometer, a thermometer to monitor temperature and humidity, a brooder box for the chicks, and some feed and water dispensers. You should also prepare a clean and safe environment for the chicks to grow up in. You can use a cardboard box, a plastic tub, or a wire cage as their temporary home. Make sure to put some soft bedding in the box, such as paper towels, and change it frequently to maintain a clean environment.

Hatching Quail Eggs

Once your equipment and setup are ready, you can start hatching your Coturnix quail eggs. The incubation period for Coturnix quail eggs is about 17 to 18 days, and the optimal temperature for hatching is 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure to turn the eggs regularly, at least thrice daily, to prevent the embryos from sticking to the shell. You should also maintain a 60% to 70% humidity to prevent the eggs from drying out.

Caring for Chicks

After the eggs hatch, the chicks will need your care and attention. Coturnix quail chicks are fragile and require a warm and safe environment to grow up in. They need to be kept at a temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit for the first week, then lowered by five degrees each week until fully feathered. You should also provide them with chick starter feed and clean water. Make sure to change their bedding frequently to keep their environment clean.

Raising Adult Quails

As your Coturnix quails grow, they will require less care but still need attention. Ensure they have a clean and safe environment, regular feed and water, and enough space to move around. Coturnix quails are social birds and do well in groups. They also require a balanced diet with protein, calcium, and vitamins. You can feed them a commercial quail feed or a homemade mix of grains, seeds, and vegetables. It is also essential to keep their living space clean and waste-free. You can use a bedding material, such as pine shavings or straw, and replace it regularly.

Breeding Coturnix Quails

Breeding Coturnix quails is relatively easy, and they can start breeding at around eight weeks old. You can start with a ratio of one male to three to four females. Ensure they have a comfortable nesting area with soft bedding, such as hay or shredded paper. Coturnix quails are prolific egg layers and can lay up to 300 eggs annually. You can collect the eggs daily and either eat them or hatch them for new chicks.


Quail breeding is an enjoyable and profitable hobby that anyone can do. Coturnix quails are popular for beginners because they are easy to care for, reproduce quickly, and provide delicious eggs and meat. If you want to start your quail farming journey, consider getting Coturnix quail eggs for hatching from a reputable seller. Prepare the right equipment and setup, and provide your quails with a clean and safe environment, regular feed and water, and enough space to move around. With proper care and attention, you can raise healthy and happy Coturnix quails and enjoy the benefits of quail farming.

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