Home Improvement

5 Reasons Fiberglass Insulation Is a Must Have

Written by Eric · 2 min read >
fiberglass insulation

Everyone knows fiberglass insulation is the stuff that makes houses insulated and thermally comfortable. But did you know that fiberglass insulation also has some great environmental benefits? Here are five reasons why you should consider using fiberglass insulation:

1. Fiberglass Is Eco-friendly

The manufacturing process for fiberglass insulation involves no harsh chemicals, which makes it eco-friendly. This means it doesn’t pollute the air or groundwater when the insulation is installed. Additionally, fiberglass can be recycled after it is used in a home. Many people actually prefer recycling because it keeps toxic materials out of landfills.

For example, the majority of old fluorescent lightbulbs contain mercury, which is extremely toxic to the environment. By recycling the bulbs instead of throwing them away, we are keeping harmful materials out of the environment. The same holds true for fiberglass insulation, as the material can be crushed up and recycled for use in new fiberglass products. So by choosing to use fiberglass insulation in your home, you are helping to prevent pollution in the environment!

2. Fiberglass Saves You Money On Heating And Cooling Costs

One of the biggest benefits of using fiberglass insulation is that it can help reduce energy costs by up to 20% every year. This is because fiberglass effectively blocks the transfer of heat from inside to outside the home and prevents heat from escaping the home through the attic or walls. If used in combination with an underfloor heating system, it can reduce energy costs even more.

As a result, your system doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain a consistent temperature in your home, reducing your energy bills and saving you money in the long run. It also improves the overall comfort of your home by preventing hot or cold spots that could make you and your family uncomfortable.

3. Fiberglass Prevents Condensation Buildup

Condensation occurs when warm air from your home meets the cold window pane in the winter. This creates a cycle of moisture that can result in water damage in your home. Fortunately, fiberglass insulation can prevent this problem by acting as a vapor barrier.

This barrier can keep moisture from escaping into your home and prevent condensation buildup when combined with proper ventilation. By preventing condensation in your home, fiberglass can save you money on repairs and help prevent mold and mildew growth that could present a health hazard for you and your family.

4. Fiberglass Reduces Air Infiltration

Air infiltration is the movement of outside air into your house through cracks and holes in your windows and doors. This can cause your HVAC system to work overtime in order to keep your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

This can be very costly in terms of both energy and money, so it’s important to reduce air infiltration as much as possible. Fortunately, fiberglass can help solve this problem by preventing air leakage and preventing heat from escaping your home.

When paired with proper ventilation techniques, fiberglass can reduce the amount of air that can pass through your home and reduce the need for extra energy from your heating and cooling systems.

5. Fiberglass Protects Your Home From Fires

In many areas of the country, homes are required to have fire-resistant building materials and insulation to ensure that they will withstand the impact of a fire and minimize the damage to your property. But most other types of insulation can melt or even ignite during a fire, which can cause extensive damage to your home and put your family at risk.

Fiberglass does not burn and can provide superior fire protection in the event of a fire by reducing the spread of flames and allowing more time for firefighters to do their jobs. Fiberglass material is made to be fire resistant and can be used safely in a variety of applications without compromising fire safety.


Fiberglass does a much better job of insulating your home or business than other materials (such as wood, paper or metal) because the fibers form a microscopic barrier that holds your heated or cooled air inside the home or building while preventing it from leaking out and causing your energy bill to increase dramatically.

And the best part is that you can get it in a variety of thicknesses and styles to meet the specific needs of your home or place of business for an affordable price, which makes it a very smart investment for anyone looking to improve the energy efficiency of their home! Find a professional contractor today to discuss your project!

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