
How to shred lettuce? Ways to shred lettuce easily

Written by Eric · 1 min read >
How to shred lettuce

Shredded lettuce is used in a lot of dishes in restaurants (like it is used as a side for Mexican dishes, in the base of coleslaw and in many other dishes). You can use a shredder to shred lettuce, but if shredder is not available then you can also use other tricks to shred it. In this article, we have discussed many tricks that how to shred lettuce with or without shredder.

How to shred lettuce without a shredder?

There are different ways to shred lettuce, some of the fastest and easiest ways are discussed below in detail:

3 ways to shred a lettuce:

These are the three simple and easy ways to shred lettuce when a shredder is not available. All these methods are described here one by one.

  1. Shredding lettuce by hand

This is the first method to shred lettuce without a shredder. For this, you just have to read the following steps carefully.

Step 1: Remove the outer leaves because they are hard or may be damaged. You need fresh lettuce, so when you remove the outer leaves yo get the fresh one.

Step 2: Start cutting from the head of the lettuce.

Step 3: Keep the flat side on the cutting board.

Step 4: Break the stalk an pull it out. Then cut in two equal pieces to make cutting easier.

Step 5: Next, you have to keep it in a little vertical direction and start cutting it according to the size you want. If you want long chops then you should cut it in the same direction, but if you want small pieces then move the knife in the other direction after sometime.  Repeat the same process for the other half piece. Read more about Taco bell potato soft taco.

  1. Shredding lettuce with a grater

This is the second method used for shredding a lettuce, in this method you have to follow the following steps:

Step 1: In this method, the starting steps are similar to that of the method described above. You have to remove the damaged leaves and then cut the lettuce in quarter.

Step 2: Take a cheese grater or vegetable grater and place it in a large bowl, so all the chopped lettuce will fall in the bowl.

Step 3: Run the lettuce over the surface of the grater, you will see that the lettuce is chopped.

  1. Shredding lettuce with a blender

This is the third method used for shredding of lettuce, in this method you have to repeat the similar steps as you have done at the start of the above methods. The only difference is that you have to use a blender for chopping it.

After chopping it in quarters, place it in the blender and blend it for few seconds. Don’t over blend it, because this may shred it to more small pieces that will not look fine. After few seconds, see the size of chopped lettuce and after getting the right size of lettuce, remove it from blender and serve it in a plate.

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