
What Does a Pennsylvania Criminal Defense Attorney Do?

Written by Smith · 1 min read >

Pennsylvania has a population of more than 12 million people and with that comes a multitude of criminal cases where it is necessary to have a lawyer to represent your best interests. A criminal defense lawyer in PA is someone who can fight for you in court and help make sure your rights are protected in the process. An experienced attorney will know how to handle both misdemeanor and felony cases, along with the many procedural forms that accompany them.

An attorney can also help you minimize or even avoid jail time by negotiating with law enforcement, arguing against certain charges, or working on sentence alternatives. A good attorney can help negotiate with the police department so that there is no unnecessary harassment, and he or she will know what charges are completely unfounded. Your attorney can also consult with the prosecutor to see what sort of deal might be possible to resolve the issue without going to court. And if you go to court, a good DUI Defense Attorney will argue against any charges that are not true.

Is Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney Worth the Money?

Hiring a criminal defense attorney is money well spent for those who might be facing criminal charges. An individual who is accused of a crime does deserve a fair trial, and an experienced attorney can help make sure that happens. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, it’s in your best interest to speak with an attorney as soon as possible.

A criminal defense attorney is often used by those facing felony charges, but more and more people are realizing they need a lawyer to help them charge with lower offenses. It’s not uncommon for people to be charged with driving under the influence (DUI), drug possession, or public intoxication in Pennsylvania. These are all misdemeanors, and if you face these charges it’s likely you will want help from an experienced attorney who has experience in resolving cases like yours.

People who have been charged with these crimes, whether it be driving under the influence (DUI) or something more serious like murder, need to realize that they are still entitled to certain rights during the process of being arrested and tried. An experienced attorney will know how to fight for those rights and help alleviate some of the stress that comes with being accused of a crime.

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