
Safe Birth Control Solutions for Those Postponing Parenthood

Written by Eric · 3 min read >
Safe Birth Control Solutions for Those Postponing Parenthood

The decision to delay parenthood is a personal choice that many individuals or couples make at different life stages. To support this choice, it’s essential to have access to safe and effective birth control methods.

US Pharmacist states that nearly 99% of sexually active women in the US have used contraception at some point in their lives. Among them, 87.5% have chosen reversible methods such as intrauterine devices and implants.

In this article, we explore various birth control solutions for those postponing parenthood and aim to provide comprehensive information on the subject.

Barrier Methods

Barrier methods are widely employed for contraception, creating a physical barrier that hinders sperm from fertilizing an egg, thereby reducing pregnancy risk. 

Male and female condoms are prominent examples of barrier methods, delivering dual protection against both unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections when used accurately. However, their effectiveness can vary, with perfect use yielding better results.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, condoms are a prevalent contraceptive choice in the United States. Over 30% of women aged 15-44 rely on them as their primary method of birth control. This preference for condoms can be attributed to their accessibility, affordability, and dual protection, as they also guard against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Condoms offer individuals a versatile option in their quest for responsible family planning and sexual health, further reinforcing their importance in modern contraceptive choices.

Hormonal Methods

Women seeking to delay parenthood often opt for hormonal birth control methods. This group comprises birth control pills, patches, and injections, all of which function by adjusting hormone levels to prevent pregnancy. 

When employed with precision and regularity, these approaches prove highly effective, yet their suitability varies from person to person. It is advisable for users to seek guidance from a healthcare provider in selecting the most fitting hormonal method for their specific requirements.

Planned Parenthood notes that the pill is 99% effective when used perfectly. Due to the potential for human error, the pill’s real-world effectiveness hovers at approximately 93%. As a result, about 7 out of 100 pill users experience pregnancy each year. 

Combination pills offer immediate protection if started within five days of the first day of your period. Conversely, progestin-only pills take 48 hours (2 days) to offer full pregnancy protection, regardless of the menstrual cycle. Similarly, Slynd offers immediate pregnancy protection if initiated within the first five days of your period.

While birth control pills are highly effective, users must be vigilant in maintaining their effectiveness to prevent unintended pregnancies.

Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs)

These are birth control methods known for their effectiveness and convenience. They include intrauterine devices (IUDs) and contraceptive implants, offering an extended protection duration. Among LARCs, IUDs hold particular significance.

The Significance of IUDs

IUDs, or intrauterine devices, are a highly regarded form of birth control due to their exceptional effectiveness and long-lasting protection. These compact, T-shaped devices are placed in the uterus by a healthcare provider, releasing hormones or copper to prevent pregnancy.

Hormonal IUDs like Mirena and Skyla release progestin, while copper IUDs, like Paragard, function without hormones. The copper IUD is especially significant for individuals who prefer hormone-free contraception.

Better Health emphasizes that intrauterine devices (IUDs) are remarkably effective, with a success rate of over 99% in preventing pregnancy. These contraceptive options comprise Mirena™ and Kyleena™, effective for five years, and the copper IUD, Paragard, offering up to 10 years of contraceptive protection. These IUDs are considered safe for use while breastfeeding.

Drawbacks of IUDs

While IUDs, including Paragard, offer numerous benefits, it’s important to be aware of potential drawbacks. Paragard is a copper IUD known for its hormone-free contraception, making it an appealing choice for some. However, it has recently faced scrutiny due to a “Paragard lawsuit.”

The Paragard lawsuit alleges that some individuals who have used the copper intrauterine device (IUD) Paragard have experienced complications during its removal. These complications primarily involve the device breaking, fracturing, or causing injuries during removal.

Users claim that these issues have led to pain, surgical interventions, and additional medical costs, prompting legal action against the manufacturer. The lawsuit seeks to address the concerns and potential risks associated with Paragard, particularly in the context of device removal.

According to TorHoerman Law, the initial bellwether trial for the Paragard Lawsuit is set for October 28, 2024. As of September 18, 2023, there are 2,147 cases awaiting resolution within the Paragard MDL. In addition, over 600 cases have been filed in the current year.

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Choosing the Right Method

Selecting the appropriate birth control method is crucial in responsible family planning when postponing parenthood. Here are some key considerations to help you make an informed choice:

  • Effectiveness: Evaluate the effectiveness of each birth control method. While some, like LARCs, are highly reliable, others pose a higher pregnancy risk with inconsistent or incorrect use.
  • Health and Lifestyle: Consider your health, medical conditions, and daily routine. Some methods may be contraindicated for certain health conditions, so consult a healthcare provider to find a method that suits your needs.
  • Long-Term Goals: Think about your future family planning goals. If you’re certain about delaying parenthood indefinitely, permanent options like sterilization may be suitable. For those with changing plans, reversible methods are a better fit.
  • Cost and Accessibility: Assess the cost and accessibility of your chosen method. Some birth control options may be covered by insurance, while others require out-of-pocket expenses. Availability can vary by location.
  • Breastfeeding Compatibility: If breastfeeding, ensure the selected method is safe and won’t affect your milk supply. Certain hormonal methods are compatible with breastfeeding, but consult a healthcare provider for guidance.
  • Consultation with a Healthcare Provider: Seek advice from a healthcare provider to explore your choices. They can offer personalized recommendations, detail the advantages and potential side effects of each method, and assist you in making an informed choice.

Choosing the right birth control method empowers you to take control of your reproductive health while postponing parenthood.


Postponing parenthood is a choice that should be supported by access to safe and effective birth control methods. Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) stand out for their effectiveness and convenience. However, it’s important to be aware of potential drawbacks, such as the Paragard lawsuit, to make an informed decision.

Understanding options and consulting a healthcare provider enables responsible, informed birth control decisions. It empowers them to take control of their reproductive health while postponing parenthood until the time is right for them.

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