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Benefits of Being Happy in Student Life

by Eric
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Who doesn’t want to be happy? And a student is the most needed soul for happiness because students have a lot of things in their academic life. They have a burden of expectations of peers, parents, tutors and themselves too. They have benchmarks which even they are not sure whether they will be able to achieve or not. Still, they never leave putting efforts into their dreams. These days schools and colleges are also doing very well in contributing to the dreams of the students. They are also inducing various tools which are contributing their best in helping the students to achieve their dreams, like institute ERP is making research on needs students have in school curriculum and institute ERP makes it possible to have those needs completed. To contribute to the efforts of students’ schools and colleges are inducing a fees management system which can manage the fees collection system and makes it more convenient for the students. Fees management system keeps all the records of students regarding their fees and scholarships which can also keep a record of those students who are in financial crisis and need help too. Therefore, students who have a lot of issues should focus on being happier so that they can keep their mind cool and calm. Happiness is not something which can be bought from any store, hence in order to attain it one has to plan a few things and then it showers its blessings in life. but first of all, students should know very well why they should attain happiness and what are the benefits of being happy? Let’s have a glance.

When a student remains happy and focuses on being happy then he or she becomes more productive, his assignments and projects along with common learning and homework are being best all the time and his/her performance level becomes the best in the class. Happiness is that magic which makes a blast of energy on the body and mind and sends such vibes to the mind that says to do more and put efforts in task and goal tirelessly until it is achieved. This is needed in student life. Living happily brings long lives because it is said that in student life the pressure and hectic learning schedule shortens their zeal for living whereas happiness increases the wish of anyone to live longer and hence improves health conditions also. When a student is happier than he or she is, they are very enthusiastic and hence they move faster and do anything faster than normal. Happiness invokes that wish in the mind and heart which makes a person put all his/her efforts into the body and perform the tasks assigned faster than normal. Happy students are those who have healthier relationships. It is so because a happy student is one who has achieved all his/her goals or is about to. Due to this reason a student can be found very dedicated to the goals and similarly to the relationship in his/her life. All those students who have happiness have very healthier relationships because they never fail to accomplish their commitments.

It is proved by science that happiness is the remedy to several physical and mental diseases and apart from it is also said that those students who are happy their body emits such enzymes and body fluids which heal the body very fast. It is so because the immune system of the body of a happy person is so fast that it never lets the body stay in any disease for a long time and recovers fast. A happy student stays far away from depression and medical science has proven that depression is the one of the main reasons for weight gain and those who remain healthy burn calories in a bog amount because out of enthusiasm they work a  lot and hate to stay idle. Happiness also removes some toxic things from the body and stress, anxiety and fear are those toxic things which are always dangerous for the human body. Those who have fear, anxiety or stress fail in every task and being happy or remaining happy always saves a human being from falling to such conditions. So, every student needs to find happiness in all possible ways.

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