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What’s the Best Spot for a Barbecue?

by Eric
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Best Spot for a Barbecue

A cookout is a time to impress friends and family with your grilling skills, but you’ll need something else to make the day a success: a grill in the right location. Grill placement affects the productivity and quality of gatherings, and there are safety issues to consider. Here, we’ll show you how to pick the best spot for a barbecue grill.

Look at the Area

While today’s outdoor grills are designed for safety, they are still open fires. Don’t set a barbecue up near a door, especially one that’s frequently used. Put the grill on a clean, non-flammable surface away from low-growing hedges and trees, or let The Luxury Pergola design the perfect picnic spot.

Be Safe and Be Seen

It’s crucial to consider sight lines and views when setting up a grill. Those indoors must be able to see the barbecue grill through doors and windows, and the chef—the hero of the day—shouldn’t be left with only a view of the fence. Keep these factors in mind as you’re setting up a pergola with a grill.

Prevailing Winds

It wouldn’t be a cookout without smoke! While it’s part of the grilling experience, no one likes it when smoke gets in their eyes, lungs, clothes, and hair. Grill fumes contain dangerous substances like carbon monoxide, whether they’re created on hot coals or a gas flame. Smoke moves with the wind, and buyers should place their grills where it won’t blow on guests and passersby.

Shade Quality and Sun Exposure

Outdoor cooking is associated with spring and summer—but most of us don’t want to stand over a grill when it’s already hot. While natural shade from trees is best, low-hanging branches present a fire hazard. With the shade it provides, a new pergola is the perfect place to set up a barbecue grill.

Proximity to the House

While keeping some distance between the grill and the house is essential, we don’t want too much of a good thing. Most food preparation is done inside, and a long trek between the grill and the kitchen makes everything take longer. By setting up an outdoor kitchen with a grill and a prep station, pergola buyers reduce the risk of burnt food (and an annoyed chef).

Choose an Even, Flat Surface for Fire Safety

Along with leaving sufficient clearance between the grill and the house, it’s vital to place the cooker on an even, flat surface. A grill that’s not level is more likely to topple, spilling its contents and increasing fire risk. As you’re choosing a place for a pergola and a grill, prefer spots that are already level.

Stay Off the Deck

While a wooden deck may seem like a natural, perfect place to put a grill, it’s dangerous. Grills shouldn’t be placed on decks, as the underlying wood may ignite and cause a fast-spreading fire. For safety, put your grill on a concrete slab or a spot covered in gravel.

Build a Pergola and Get Grilling

Setting up an outdoor kitchen doesn’t have to be challenging, and these are just a few factors buyers should consider when picking a spot for a barbecue. By keeping these grill placement tips in mind, you’ll set yourself up for an enjoyable, repeatable, and safe cooking experience.

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