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6 Tips for Strengthening Your Faith in 2024

by Eric
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Tips for Strengthening Your Faith

An excellent goal to set for the new year that’s approaching is to dig deeper into your faith and really connect to what you believe in. Spiritual well-being is an essential part of your overall health and one that’s often neglected! Strengthening your faith can be a tough journey, but it’s one worth embarking on, no matter where you are at this exact moment. 

If you want to start exploring more and getting closer to God, here are six tips to help guide your path in 2024. 

Reflect on the Past Year

Now that we’re approaching the end of 2023, it’s a good time to start reflecting on the past year and what it’s been like for you. You can think about your personal wins and struggles, and how your spiritual life has been over the last twelve months. In what ways has God shown up for you? What have you learned? What are you missing?

This is the perfect way to assess what you need going forward, and you can use these questions to help guide your spiritual journey over 2024 so that you don’t repeat mistakes or lose your way. 

Scripture Study

The next important step is to commit to learning in 2024. There is no better way to get closer to God than to spend time in his Word and learn more about who He is. Start a Bible study practice, either on your own or with others you trust.

You can go through the Bible on your own or seek guidance from another book, an online course, or even YouTube videos or podcasts that discuss the scripture. Even reading up about Father Gabriel facts, and facts about other priests and holy men will help expand your knowledge and get closer to your faith. 

Daily Devotional and Prayer

Your relationship with God is all about connection, and the way you will connect most easily with him is through prayer. Daily prayer is crucial for your spiritual well-being and should be prioritized as a part of your daily routine. You can pray in the mornings, evenings, midway through your day, or whenever suits you best. Continuous prayer is also a good idea – God wants you to talk to him throughout the day!

Starting off your prayer sessions by reading a devotional is a good way to find guidance if you’re not sure what to pray about. You can use an app on your phone, but investing in a devotional book is a great way to be more present with the Lord.  

Find Community

Christianity and community simply cannot be separated. Finding a community to be a part of is essential for so many different reasons – you will find people to confide in and support you, you will be an anchor for them in return, and you will be building God’s Kingdom together!

Seek out a church where you feel safe and comfortable, and if there isn’t one in your area, seek out other forms of community like small groups or even online gatherings where you engage in Bible studies or other forms of connection. 

Practice Gratitude

Being grateful is an important part of anyone’s mental wellbeing. Practicing gratitude helps you to focus more on the positive things in your life and shifts your mind away from your struggles and troubles. 

Many people find that writing down the things that they’re grateful for each day is a good way to go about this practice, and a Christian gratitude journal is the perfect solution. At the end of each day, use a pen and paper to write down three things that you’re grateful for – even if you have to think really hard, and even if they’re really simple things like “peanut butter sandwiches.” The practice is simply to remind you of the good in life, and the goodness of God in all things.

Cultivate a Spirit of Service

Finally, tying in with the idea of community is the idea of service. God created us to serve – to serve Him, to serve the Earth, and to serve our brothers and sisters. There are also countless ways you can do this!

If you’re active in your church, you can serve there in many different ways. Otherwise, you can serve by spreading the gospel and telling others around you about Jesus. Service doesn’t even need to be directly around the church – volunteering at an animal shelter or donating a portion of your income to a children’s home are some other ways you can serve. 

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