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5 Healthy Communication Skills To Help Your Child With Anxiety

by Eric
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help your child with anxiety

As a parent, you strive to avoid suffering in your children’s lives. In fact, this is one of the last things you want to see. This is why parents whose children suffer from ADHD, search for the best over the counter meds for ADHD child. However, anxiety tends to require more than medication. These are some communication skills you can use to help your children.

Learn To Listen

Your children need to know that you understand them and support them. One of the best ways to show this is to listen to them. Eliminate distractions during these conversations. Sit down with them and let them talk.

Ask questions open-ended and avoid leading questions. Then, let your children answer the question. Be patient and understanding.

Talk About Anxiety

Never ignore what your children think or feel. Their feelings are important. One way to acknowledge their anxiety is to discuss it. Talk about its causes, what it feels like and that it is normal. You can start these conversations by discussing a recent event that made your children anxious.

Then, discuss events from your past that caused anxiety. You should also share your coping mechanisms and how you got over your anxieties. You can also learn about treatment options, e.g., Brillia reviews from parents, and discuss them with your children.

Teach About Safe Space

Sometimes, your children may need to go to a place where they can feel free to freak out, calm down or recharge. Therefore, set aside a safe space at home where they can go. This space should be private and comforting.

Then, teach them about this space. Set clear expectations. For example, if your children are anxious about something, before they begin behaving inappropriately, they need to retreat to this space and take some time to themselves. You can also teach them deep breathing, mental awareness and positive visualization exercises to do in these spaces.

Talk About Coping Mechanisms

Children need coping mechanisms. If they are young, they likely have not developed their own. Therefore, you should both show them how you cope with your challenges and help them come up with ways they can cope with their own. This may involve spending time in a safe space, some form of play or exercise or mindfulness activities. You can also teach them about distraction and emotional awareness.

Respect Their Feelings

Your children need you to respect how they feel. However, do not avoid situations that make them anxious or you could reinforce their fears. Instead, set expectations, provide encouragement and help them learn what things in the situation make them feel anxious. Help them think things through, and provide a good example of facing your fears.

Mental Anxiety Symptoms

As a parent, you should look for specific anxiety symptoms in your children, e.g., 6 year old anxiety symptoms, such as nervousness, tension, restlessness, sweating, trembling, rapid breathing, difficulty concentrating and sleeping. Your children may also feel that danger or doom is coming and avoid their anxiety triggers. Physical symptoms may include increased heart rate and gastrointestinal challenges.

Remember to be patient and supportive as you communicate with your anxious children. Learn more about these communication skills to build your relationship and help ease your children’s suffering.

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